Average Childbirth Costs & How to Pay With Health Insurance

Childbirth costs an average of $13,024 if you pay the full price without insurance and deliver vaginally.

The total cost of pregnancy is more than $18,000 if you include prenatal care, childbirth and postpartum care and you don't have insurance

A typical health insurance plan will save you about two-thirds of the cost of pregnancy. The average cost of pregnancy is $6,940 with a Silver health insurance plan.

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How much does it cost to have a baby?

The average cost of a vaginal birth is $13,024, including costs like facility fees and doctor fees.

A cesarean section (C-section) is much more expensive, costing an average of $22,646. This includes predelivery and postdelivery expenses, like the costs associated with surgery preparation and recovery.

Cost of childbirth without insurance

Average cost
Vaginal delivery$13,024

How much does it cost to have a baby in each state?

The state you live in has a large impact on your childbirth costs. The cost for a vaginal delivery varies by more than $30,000 between states, and the cost of a C-section changes by more than $50,000.

The average cost of a vaginal birth by state

Maryland is the most expensive state for both vaginal deliveries and C-sections. Oklahoma has the cheapest cost for vaginal deliveries, while Vermont has the lowest price for C-sections.

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Average cost of childbirth by state before insurance

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Cost of having a baby with insurance

The average cost of having a baby with insurance is $6,940, which includes the cost of labor, delivery and medical care for you and your newborn.

How much you'll pay depends on your plan, the hospital you use and how you give birth.

  • Your health insurance plan: The cost to have a baby will depend on your plan's benefits. Your deductible, copayment amounts, coinsurance and out-of-pocket maximum will all affect how much you pay for labor and delivery.
  • Your hospital and the details of how you give birth: These average childbirth costs are for births with no complications. But even with a typical birth, costs vary based on the hospital system you use, your state and your city. Your cost can also vary depending on the options you choose during your birth. Having an epidural is likely to raise the price, for example.
  • Which doctors you use: You'll also likely pay the lowest amounts if you choose an in-network doctor. Some health insurance plans don't cover out-of-network doctors or hospitals at all. With other plans, you might still have coverage, but you'll pay more than you would with an in-network doctor.
  • Alternative options: The cost of childbirth also changes if you're considering alternative delivery methods. Some pregnant women opt for births outside of a hospital. You could use a midwife for maternity care, deliver at a birthing center or even have your baby at home. Costs will generally be lower in these settings, but your choices will be different than they would be in a hospital.

What are the typical costs during childbirth

The largest costs when giving birth at a hospital are caring for the mother and routine care during labor and childbirth.

Delivery charges
Cost after insurance
Mother’s charges$2,700
Routine care$2,100
Baby charges$900
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Based on a sample insurance plan from HealthCare.gov

During your labor, you may need nurses, anesthesiologists and an obstetrician or midwife. Your baby might be monitored during the labor. After the baby is born, there will likely be follow-up care for you and your child. The costs for all these elements add up.

Nearly 99% of births in the U.S. take place in hospitals, making childbirth the most common reason for hospitalization. If you give birth in a hospital, you’ll spend at least one night there. If you’ve had a C-section, you'll probably be hospitalized for longer.

Cost of childbirth by type of health insurance plan

The average cost of pregnancy care and childbirth ranges from $460 to $8,224, depending on the insurance plan's level of coverage.

When having a baby, paying more for a better health insurance plan helps you save money overall.

When you add the cost of buying an insurance plan to the cost of pregnancy and childbirth, a Platinum plan could save you an average of $6,036 versus a Bronze plan.

Total costs for a healthy pregnancy, delivery and insurance

Insurance plan tier
Total cost

The total cost includes the insurance plan, a healthy pregnancy and a standard delivery.

How much you pay to have a baby will depend on the details of your health insurance plan. You have to meet your plan's deductible before your health insurance will pay. You may also have copays and coinsurance, which will add to your out-of-pocket cost. But you'll never pay more than your out-of-pocket maximum for covered medical care.

With a healthy pregnancy, medical costs may not reach the out-of-pocket maximum, which caps the amount you would pay for medical care during the year. However, if you have the extra costs of complications during pregnancy or birth, the higher-cost Platinum plan is still the best deal.

You'll save $2,620 with a Platinum health insurance plan if you have complications during childbirth or delivery.

Total costs by plan tier for births with complications

Insurance plan tier
Total cost

Total cost includes the insurance plan and medical costs when there are complications during pregnancy or delivery.

Questions to ask your health insurance provider

Because health insurance benefits vary, you may want to ask questions to make sure you understand your coverage before you give birth.

Question: Are the costs for pregnancy and childbirth capped at the individual level, or will the total family deductible and out-of-pocket maximum apply?

In most cases, family insurance plans will have both a deductible and out-of-pocket max for each individual as well as for the entire family on the plan. This is significant because the cost of labor and delivery for a new mother is so high.

With most health plans, the mother's costs will be capped at the individual level, with an out-of-pocket maximum as high as $9,200 for marketplace plans in 2025. However, if expensive health care is needed for the other family members, your household spending may also hit the family out-of-pocket maximum, which can't be higher than $18,400.

Understanding how your insurance plan's individual and family benefits work can help you to better prepare for medical bills. Even if you have reached your individual spending cap, your family and newborn could still have additional medical bills.

Question: Once I add my new baby to my plan, when will their medical bills start to count toward their deductible, copays and coinsurance?

Some plans cover the newborn’s hospital care under the mother’s cost-sharing requirements until both are released from the hospital. Others consider the baby a new individual family member from the date of their birth, which means that their bills start to count toward their own deductible and cost-sharing. These costs might include their hospital stay, physician visits and lab tests.

Also, note that if you don’t already have a family plan, the addition of your baby can push you into one. This will probably make your health insurance more expensive.

How your health insurer handles these issues can make a difference of thousands of dollars to your family budget.

How health insurance covers childbirth

Health insurers are required to cover maternity care and childbirth. This is one of the 10 essential health benefits required by the Affordable Care Act. Most plans have to give you coverage for at least these health situations.

Health insurance plans can require pregnant women to pay for a portion of their costs for labor and delivery, and most plans do. Your newborn may also start getting their own medical bills from the moment they are born. Insurance plans for families can charge deductible and out-of-pocket costs for each covered individual, including your new baby, up to a predetermined maximum.

Does insurance cover home birth?

Home births are often not fully covered by insurance companies.

Your insurance company might pay for some of the cost or decline your coverage entirely. Having a home birth can be cheaper, but you may end up with higher out-of-pocket costs compared to a hospital birth since your insurance might not cover it.

The average cost of a home birth in the United States is $4,650. But costs can change based on what state you live in. The lowest state price is $2,000, and the highest state price is $9,921. States in the Northeast and the Southeast have the highest average costs for home birth.

Because insurance plans vary widely in how they cover midwives and birthing centers, it's a good idea to talk to your insurer before you make any decisions.

Paying for childbirth when you don't have insurance

If you don’t have health insurance, you’ll be responsible for all the costs for prenatal care and the birth of your child.

When paying for childbirth yourself, you may be able to negotiate prices with the doctor and hospital. However, be aware that without insurance, your expenses for a complicated delivery or a seriously ill newborn could reach into the high tens, or even hundreds, of thousands of dollars.

Using Medicaid to pay for childbirth

Medicaid has the best coverage for childbirth when you're uninsured.

  • Many states make it easier for pregnant women to enroll in Medicaid or a state-sponsored health insurance program. These programs often mean your health care will be free or low-cost.
  • In California, for example, a pregnant single woman with no other children can get Medicaid with an income of about $32,000 per year. If she were not pregnant, she would have to earn about $21,000 or less to qualify.

Using an Obamacare insurance plan to pay for childbirth

If you can’t get coverage through a public program and don't have health insurance from your job, you can buy a plan through the health insurance marketplace or directly from an insurance company. A marketplace plan will usually be the cheapest because there are discounts available for those who have a low to moderate income. However, there are timing restrictions on when you can sign up for a marketplace plan.

If you're pregnant and uninsured, you can only sign up for marketplace insurance:

If you use the special enrollment period after childbirth, the cost to deliver the baby won't be covered by the plan.

Other types of insurance to help pay for childbirth

To avoid being uninsured when giving birth, you can also get health insurance for your pregnancy from an insurance company rather than through the marketplace.

The monthly costs for a plan may be high, but they won't be as high as paying full price to deliver the baby. Make sure the policy doesn't exclude pregnancy, though. Some plans, like short-term health insurance plans, usually don't cover it.

Frequently asked questions

How much does it cost to give birth?

A vaginal delivery costs $13,024 and a C-section costs $22,646, on average. These prices are before insurance coverage. If you have health insurance, you'll probably pay less. These are also the average costs for labor without complications or other interventions. You'll pay more if you need more medical care during your labor and delivery.

How much is prenatal care without insurance?

Most women have up to 15 prenatal visits during their pregnancy, and each visit could cost up to $500. It also depends on the care you need. A sonogram costs about $202, for example. If you have a high-risk pregnancy or otherwise need more medical care, your prenatal costs will probably be higher.

Can I get health insurance if I'm pregnant?

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) says that pregnancy can't be considered a preexisting condition. With most plans, you can't be denied health insurance coverage for your pregnancy, even if you are already pregnant when you apply. Some plans don't have to follow this rule though. Short-term health insurance, for example, often considers pregnancy a preexisting condition and doesn't cover it. Being pregnant also doesn't qualify you for a special enrollment period to


The average cost of childbirth without insurance is based on ValuePenguin's independent research on vaginal births versus cesarean deliveries using hospital transparency data from the largest hospital systems in most states. Data was not available for Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New York, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Tennessee or Wisconsin.

The total cost of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum care is from Peterson-KFF Health System Tracker.

The average cost of childbirth with health insurance is based on marketplace health insurance plans offered in Arlington, Virginia, with averages across the 53 plans offered by Bright Health, Cigna, Kaiser Permanente, Innovation Health and UnitedHealthcare. Included are the costs of the health insurance plan, pregnancy care and childbirth. Medical costs are based on HealthCare.gov's calculation for the "cost for a healthy pregnancy and normal delivery."

The average cost of a home birth is from "The Cost of Home Birth in the United States," a 2021 study that analyzed the cost of home births in all 50 states. Additional sources include the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), HealthCare.gov and the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Editorial note: The content of this article is based on the author's opinions and recommendations alone. It has not been previewed, commissioned or otherwise endorsed by any of our network partners.